Erwin C | Make Passive Income with Digital Marketing
💰 | Helping 9-5ers Turn Digital Marketing Course into Passive Income
DWA Digital Wealth Academy l MRR
This Done-For-You (DFY) Digital Marketing Roadmap Teaches You The Most Straight Forward And Fastest Way To Making Money Online Starting TODAY!

$1899 $497
DWA Digital Wealth Academy l MRR

$397 $23
DWA Digital WealthAcademy l MRR
DWA Example Product DescriptionTHIS INCLUDES DWA Vol. 1 + DWA Vol. 2 + DWA REMASTERED + 6 PLR Products!!!...Meaning you can start your digital marketing journey with already "done for you" high-ticket items as well as low-ticket items that you get to sell for 100% profit, giving you the ability to meet your customers needs and budgets!DWA is a comprehensive business, marketing, and automation course with over 35 in-depth, easy to follow modules with a complete beginner in mind!Lifetime access to ongoing course updates & community support with absolutely no monthly fees or charges!An in-demand digital product - the course itself! Done for you and ready to be sold for 100% profit!Bonus! Get (my ultimate reels guide, presets & social media digital planner)SIX additional PLR products inside the course that you can sell for 100% profit:* Reels Guide Faceless | PLR Product* The Digital Playbook | PLR Product* Faceless TikTok Marketing | PLR Product* Digital Wealth Guide | PLR Product* The Ultimate Reels Guide |PLR Product* Social Media Planner | PLR Product
How Much Does This Cost?No really...I want you to objectively ask yourself how much this course is worth.All things considered...There is NO other business model that teaches you all the different ways you can make money online with digital marketing...AND gives you a done-for-you product to resell for 100% of the profitsPeople have already resold DWA to 7 figures and even Multi 7 figures online...But, regardless of how much money you make...How much do you think DWA is worth?$2000, like what other "gurus" might charge for just the modules alone?The good news is I won't charge you even half of that...The price of this program is only $1899 $497Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a premium price.But it's priced in a way that ANYBODY can get access to it.And chances are if you’re reading this page…$1899 $497 is like pocket change for YOU...So, grab your DWA program (and my personal bonuses) for the lowest price they will ever be - TODAY!